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Terms for subject International trade (50553 entries)
forward exchange contracts 期货汇兑合同
forward exchange dealing 期货汇兑交易
forward exchange facilities 远期外汇业务
forward exchange market 远期外汇市场
forward exchange market 外汇期货市场
forward exchange rate 远期汇率
forward exchange sold 卖出远期外汇
forward exchange transaction 期货业务
forward exchange transactions 远期外汇交易
forward exchange transactions 外汇期货交易
forward feed of material 工厂预先进料
forward feed of material 工厂进料
forward feed of material 材料的预约供应
forward feed of material
forward financial statement 预计财务报告
forward (future) fo'd 转递预约
forward (future) fo'd 送达
forward (future) fo'd 期货交易
forward linkage 前向联系
forward linkage 向前联系率