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Terms for subject Economy (107060 entries)
form of proposal
form of questionnaire 调査表
form of social life 社会生活形态
form of tender 应标表格
form of tender 标件格式
form of treaty 条约格式
form of treaty 合同形式
form of value 价值形态
form of wages equivalent to the commodity price of labour power 作为劳动力商品价格的雇佣工资
form required by law 法律要求的形式
form utility 形式效用
form utility 必要的物品
form utility 产品加工后产生的效用
formal advertizing 公告广告
formal advertizing 正式公告
formal answer
formal authority 正式权限
formal book transactions 正式登账
formal capitalization of reserves 将准备金正式转为资本
formal cause 形式因