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Terms for subject Basketball (3304 entries)
foul line 罚球线
foul line 罚球线 ½
foul out 犯规超过规定次数而被罚下场
foul out 比赛中因犯规过多而被罚出场
foul out
foul shot 罚球
foul shot 违规投篮
foul shot 中篮不算
foul strategy 犯规战术
foul trouble 快要犯满离场
foul trouble 犯规已达4次
foul with free throw award 造成罚球的犯规
foul without free throw award 造成掷界外球的犯规
foul-baiting tactics 诱使对方犯规战术
foul-baiting tactics 诱使对方犯规的战术
fouls without free throw awards 不罚球的犯规
four on three 四对三
four-corner offence 1一4 进攻
four-man figure of eight 四人八字进攻
four-man figure of eight 4 人 8 字配合