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Terms for subject Exhibitions (11079 entries)
foreign exchange certificate 外币兑换证明书
foreign exchange earnings 夕卜汇收入
foreign independent tour 境外散客旅游
foreign sales 国外销售额
foreign service officer
Foreign Trade Consultation Technical Service Corporation 对外贸易咨询与技术服务公司
Foreign Trade Storage Corporation 对外贸易仓储公司
foreign Trade Transportation Corporation 对外贸易运输公司
foreign-funded 外资
forelady 女领班
forer 门厅
foreroom 客厅
foreroom 起居室
foreshortened figure 透视画法
foresight 预测
forestage 台口
Forestry Import and Export Company 林业进出口公司
Forestry Machinery Import and Export Company 林业机械进出口公司
forge 伪造文件
forge 假冒签名