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Terms for subject Technology (1067508 entries)
earliest event occurrence time 最早项目完成时间
earliest event occurrence time 事件最早发生时间
earliest event occurrence time 预计最早完成时间
earliest event time 事件最早时间
earliest final ice clearance 最早终冰日
earliest finish time 最早结束时间
earliest finish time 最早完工时间
earliest finish time of activity 作业最早完成时间
earliest first appearance of ice 最早初冰日
earliest infection 最初侵染
earliest possible time of arrival 可能最早到达时间
earliest stages of cultivation 初期栽培阶段
earliest start 最早开工
earliest start data 最早开工日期
earliest start time 最早开工时间
earliest starting time of activity 作业最早开始时间
earliness of forecast 预报预见期
earliness of forecast 预报时效
Earlumin 伊尔铝合金
Earlumin aluminium alloy 伊尔铝合金