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Terms for subject Household appliances (150 entries)
green black level 绿路黑电平
hair crimper 卷发机
heater 暖气
Her dress caught alight as she was standing by an electric radiator 她站在取暖电炉旁,衣服着火了
hot wash 热水洗
hour-glass effect 船舶雷达站靠岸误差
hour-glass effect 航海雷达站在近海岸工作的误差
hour-glass effect 颈缩效应
I love the soothing sound of a steam iron as it glides back and forth removing wrinkles and sending back a clean, fresh smell 蒸汽熨斗在衣服上来回滑动清除褶皱,让衣服散发出干净、清新的气息,那温和舒缓的声音我很喜欢
ice crusher 刨冰机
If it is too dark to see what you are doing, use a flashlight rather than pulling the fireworks closer to see the ignition point 如果天太黑,你看不清楚自己在做什么,那就用一个手电筒照着,而不是把烟花移得很近,来找燃火点
If you plug in all these appliances at once, you'll fuse all the lights 如果你把所有电器同时接上电,保险丝就会烧断,所有的电灯将熄灭
immersion heater
ion perm 离子烫发器
iron 电熨斗
It is better for a dry battery to be used intermittently 干电池最好间歇使用
juice extractor 榨汁机
laundromat 自助洗衣店
lawn mower 割草机
LCD TV 液晶电视