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Terms for subject General (503203 entries)
direct multiplex control 直接多路控制
direct noise amplifier 狄纳
direct noise amplifier 直接噪声放大器一种起伏噪声调制的机载雷达干扰机
direct (M) on to 把M对准〔向着,朝着,对到,射向〕N
direct (M) onto 把M对准〔向着,朝着,对到,射向〕N
direct or with transhipment 直运或转船
direct plant cost 直接建厂费用包括工程设计费用和建筑施工费用
direct plant cost 舌接量尸费用[包括工程设计和建筑施工费用]
direct port 直达港〔口〕
direct reduced iron 海绵铁
direct the attention of (M) to 促使〔引起〕M 注意 N
direct through line 直通线
direct (M) to 把M对准〔向着,朝着,对到,射向〕N
direct to 指〔射,流〕向
direct to 对着〔准〕
direct to line 直接连到线路上〔的〕
direct toward 指〔射,流〕向
direct toward 对着〔准〕
direct (M) towards 把M对准〔向着,朝着,对到,射向〕N
direct translator