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Terms for subject Corporate governance (5566 entries)
decision-maker 决策者
decision-making techniques 决策方法
decision-making theory 决策论
declining industry 衰退行业
deconcentration and managerial process 权力下放和管理过程
decreasing cost industry 成本降低的行业
deductions from income tax 所得税扣减
deductions from income tax 可从所得税中扣除的项目
default hibernation 默认休眠状态
defensive budgeting 防御预算的编制
defensive scheduling 防御性规划
deferment of payment 延期付款
deferred liability 递延负债
deferred liability 迟延债务
deferred payment 延期付款
defined benefit plan 界定福利计划
defined benefit plan 待遇确定型计划
degenerate solution 退化解
degree management 分级管理
delay in filling posts 延迟填补职位