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Terms for subject Banking (113 entries)
foreign remittances 国外汇兑
forward rate agreements 远期利率协定
freely negotiable 可自由转让
guarantee of export credits 岀口信用担保
guaranteed debentures 有保证的企业债务
guaranteed letter of credit 凭保证开出的信用证
honor 承兑远期票据
Import and Export Bank of China 中国进出口银行
imprest warrant 垫款许可证
in trust 信托
indexed currency borrowings 指数化货币借贷
indexed currency option note 指数化货币优选票据
inter-bank dealings 银行间交易
interest warrant 利息券
irrevocable document L/C 不可撤销的跟单信用证
issuance date of the documents 货运单据开立日期
issue an L/C 开出信用证
issuing of a credit 开立信用证