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Terms for subject International Monetary Fund (12416 entries)
debt-to-equity swap 债转股
debt-to-equity swap 债务-股本转换
debt-to-exports ratio 债务-出口比率
debt-to-GDP ratio 债务与国内生产总值的比率
debtor approach 债务人法
debtor approach 利息支出的债务人法
debtor approach to interest expense 债务人法
debtor approach to interest expense 利息支出的债务人法
debtor country 债务国
debtor position 债务人地位
decentralization 分散化
decentralization 权力下放
decentralized agency 分权机构
decision maker 决策者
decision making (process) 决策过程
Decision on Bilateral and Multilateral Surveillance 关于双边和多边监督的决定
Decision on Bilateral Surveillance over Members' Policies 关于成员国政策双边监督的决定
decision point (IMF, HIPC Initiative) 决策点
declaration of BOP-related need 陈述国际收支融资的需要
declaration of censure (IMF overdue financial obligations) 谴责宣言