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Terms for subject Business (122442 entries)
curve smoothing 曲线修匀
curve smoothing of age distribution 年龄分布的曲线修匀
curve with declining absolute growth 递降的绝对增长曲线
curve-line graph 曲线—直线图
curved valley function 弯谷函数
curvilinear asymptote 渐进曲线
curvilinear coordinate 曲线坐标
curvilinear curve 曲线
curvilinear element 曲线圆
curvilinear network 曲线网络
curvilinear regression of second degree 二次曲线回归
cush 收入
cush 利润
cush 金钱
cushion 枕垫
cushion 安全余量
cushion checking credit 缓冲透支信贷
cushion course 缓冲层
cushion craft 气垫船