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Terms for subject China (22638 entries)
Constitution of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization 联合国教育科学及文化组织组织法
Constitution of the United Nations industrial Development organization 联合国工业发展组织章程
Constitution of the Universal Postal Union 万国邮政联盟组织法
Constitution of the World Health Organization 世界卫生组织组织法
Constitution-related laws 宪法相关法
Constitutional right 宪法规定的权利
constrained appearance in court 拘传
construct to go with 配建
construction administrative department 建设行政主管部门
construction cost of the project 建筑工程造价
construction engineering enterprise 建筑施工企业
construction entity 建筑施工单位
construction noise 建筑施工噪声
construction of a multi-layer social security system 建立多层次的社会保障制度
construction of buildings for military use 军用房屋建筑工程
construction of coal mine 煤矿建设
construction of highways 公路建设
construction of key energy conservation project 重点节能工程的实施
construction party 施工人
construction project contract 建设工程合同