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Terms for subject Boxing (1530 entries)
connect 打得又准又稳
connect 击中
connect 打得又准又狠
contest weight 比赛时的体重
corkscrew blow 螺旋拳
corkscrew blow 钻拳
corkscrew blow 拳头内转
corkscrew punch 螺旋拳
corkscrew punch 钻拳
corkscrew punch 拳头内转
corner 边角
corner pad 角垫
corner to the ropes 逼角
corner work 围绳角战术
count 点数
count 数秒
count 呼数
count out 宣告失败
count out 判定被击倒者为输
counted out 被击倒后数10不起