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Terms for subject Automobiles (126895 entries)
bonded windscreen 粘接的风窗玻璃
bonded windshield 粘接的风窗玻璃
bonded-in liner
bonder 偶合器
bonder 粘合装置
bonderite 磷化处理层
bonding 粘合剂
bonding 粘接料
bonding equipment 胶接设备
bonding machine 电焊机
bonding machine 粘接烘烤机
bonding material 胶合剂
bonding medium 粘接材料
bonding method 胶粘法
bonding of rubber to metal 橡胶金属粘接
bonding oven 粘接烘箱例如烘烤粘接的制动蹄片的烘箱
bonding oven 坩锅
bonding oven 烘炉
bonding pad 焊片
bonding process 粘接法工艺