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Terms for subject Weightlifting (1497 entries)
bulletin board of rear ring 后场公告牌
butterfly 胸扩收练习
butterfly machine 胸扩收练习器
cable back stretch 颈后拉弹簧
calf machine 提踵架
calf machine to raise
calf machine to raise
calf raise 负重起踵练习
calf raise 起踵练习
calf raise 提踵
calf raise 起踵练习
calf raise 负重起踵练习
cat stretch 俯卧屈体推撑[掌]
categories of bodyweight 体重级别
chalk up one's hands 抹粉
change of grip 换握
change of weight 更改体重
cheating barbell curl 摆动弯举
cheating technique 借力动作
chest crossover 持铃扩胸