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Terms for subject Gymnastics (5083 entries)
backward somersault with full twist 后空翻转体360°
backward spring from bent-arm cross rest position into straight arm hang position 屈臂撑后摆成悬垂
backward swing 后摆
backward swing from bent-arm cross rest position to stretched arm cross rest position 屈臂撑后摆成直臂撑
backward trunk bending in kneeling position 双膝跪后倾
backward tuck salto 团身后空翻
backward tuck salto dismount 团身后空翻下
backward walkover with change of legs 后软翻两腿剪绞
backward-pressure 回压
backward-pressure 返压
balance abdomen 腹平衡
balance beam 平衡木项目
balance J J 字平衡
balance knee 膝平衡
balance of body bent back 体后屈平衡
balance on the chest 胸倒立
balance over to stand (with single leg) handstand 倒立前软翻单脚站立
balance play 平衡运动
balance play 平衡动作
balance sit 坐平衡