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Terms for subject Bridge construction (29485 entries)
accommodation railway 铁路专用线
accommodation railway 专用铁路
accompanying table 附表
accreting river 淤积河流
accretion 土壤冲积层
accretion bank 堆积河岸
accretion of bed level 河床淤高
accumulated water 汇集流量
accumulation of information 积累资料
accumulation of water 积水
accumulative total 累计
accuracy control 精度控制
accuracy of bored hole 钻孔的准确度
accuracy of construction 施工精度
accuracy of drilled hole 钻孔的准确度
accuracy of driving 打桩精度
accuracy of piling 打桩精度
accuracy precision 准确度
accuracy rate, precision 精确度
accurate solution 精确解