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Terms for subject Textile industry (163048 entries)
acceptance of offer 接受报盘
acceptance of promissory notes 接受期票
acceptance of receipt 回执
acceptance of receipt 收据
acceptance of repeating quantities and items 接受反复性订购
acceptance period 承兑期
acceptance period 承付期
acceptance rate 汇票承兑汇率
acceptance report 接受报告
acceptance risk 受领风险
acceptance sample 承认货样
acceptance sample 认可样品
acceptance sample 接受样本
acceptance sampling 抽样认可
acceptance sampling 抽样验收
acceptance sampling 进仓取样
acceptance sampling 收货取样
acceptance sampling by attribute 定性抽样验收
acceptance sampling inspection 接受取样检验
acceptance test 验收验验