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Terms for subject Project management (16871 entries)
acceptance 接受验收
acceptance amount 承兑金额
acceptance by owner 业主认可
acceptance certificate of the contract goods 合同货物验收证书
acceptance commission 承兑汇票手续费
acceptance credit 承兑汇票
acceptance for honor 接受承兑
acceptance L/C 远期信用证
acceptance of a project 工程验收
acceptance of tender 接受投标书
acceptance of the bid 接受投标书
acceptance with reservation 有保留接受
accepted contract amount 中标合同额
accepted programme 批准的进度计划
accepted risk 被接受的风险
accepter 承付人
accepter 承诺人
accepting house 承兑商行
acceptor 受票人
access 为读写数据而获取存储器人口