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Terms for subject Nursing (15734 entries)
abnormal stature 体态异常
abnormal uterine action 产力异常
abnormality 失常
abnormality of cortisol-binding globulin 皮质醇结合球蛋白异常
ABO haemolytic disease of the newborn ABO 新生儿溶血病
abortive poliomyelitis 顿挫型脊髓灰质炎
abortus 流产儿
above elbow 肘上
above knee 膝上
abrasion 磨损[症]
abrasive cytologic examination 擦拭法细胞学检查[术]
abruption placentae 胎盘早期剥离
abscess incision drainage 脓肿切开引流术
abscess of Bartholin gland 前庭大腺脓肿
abscess of nasal septum 鼻中隔脓肿
abscess of pancreas 胰腺脓肿
absence of interventricular septum 室间隔缺如
absence of radius 桡骨缺如
absence of uterus 无子宫
absence of vagina 无阴道