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Terms for subject Mathematics (8643 entries)
Bayesian confidence interval 贝叶斯置信区间
Bayesian confidence interval 贝叶斯区间
Bayesian confidence interval 置信区间
Bayesian inference 贝叶斯推论
Bayesian interval 置信区间
Bayesian interval 贝叶斯区间
Bayesian interval 贝叶斯置信区间
Bayesian probability point 贝叶斯概率点
BCY language Bcy 语言编译程序语言
be absent in 外出暂时在…
be apt to 易于
be apt to 往往
be apt to 通常
be apt to 动辄
be attended with 伴随有
be attended with 带来
be beneath criticism 无评论价值
be beneath criticism 不值_评
be connected with 与… 连接〔有关〕
be deficient in …缺乏