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Terms for subject Project management (16871 entries)
abandonee 受委付人
abandonee 财产受领人
abandonment 让与
abandonment 委托
abandonment of claim 放弃索赔权利
abandonment of contract 放弃合同
abandonment of right 放弃权利
abatement of action 撤销诉讼
abatement of debt 免除债务
abatement of tax 减扣免税额
ABC-Analysis ABC 分析法
abeyance 产权待定
abide 遵守合同、法律, 决定, 诺言等
ability of manager 管理者的能力
ability to monitor contract 监督合同能力
abnormal conditions 不正常情况
abnormal profit 特别利润
abort 终止
abort 程序或当前进程突然结束
abortive 失败的计划等