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Terms for subject Labor law (816 entries)
Winged Steed Movement 千里马运动
work discipline 劳动纪律
work group 作业组
work groups 作业组
work organization 劳动组织
work organization 作业组织
work paid by the day 日工
work performance and handicapped persons 工作施行和人体的不利条件
work quota 劳动定额
work quota determination 劳动定额制定
work quota level 劳动定额水平
work quota management 劳动定额管理
work quota standard 劳动定额标准
work rules for workers and staff 职工劳动规则
work sampling 工作抽查法
work standards 作业基准
work standards 工作标准
work station 工作地
work status 就业状况
work-point book-keeper 记工员