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Terms for subject Chess (2027 entries)
taboo of xiangqi match 象棋比赛的禁止着法
tachiagaru 立下
tactical motivation 战术动机
tactical operation 战术动作
tactical threat 战术威胁
tactics combination 战术组合
tactics of middle cannon and horse's chain 中炮盘头马战术
taikiyoku kiryoku 对局记录
taikosen 对抗赛
taikyoku 对弈
take 吃子
take 提子
take back 悔棋
take before ko 遇劫先提
take prisoner
take prisoner 提吃
Tarrasch defence 塔拉什防御
Tarrasch defense 塔拉什防御
tatakau 厮杀
technical prowess 专门技术