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Terms for subject Ice hockey (1513 entries)
overrun the ball 超越球前
overrunning the ball 超越球前
overtime 加时赛
overtime loss 加时赛时的丢球
overtime period 加时赛
own goal area 本方球门区
P.C. Goal 短角球进球
packed defence 密集防守
packed defense 密集防守
pad save 护腿挡球
padded wrist 护腕
parallel pass 横传
parallel pass 平行传球
pass back 回传
pass into space 传球至空挡
pass into space 传球到空当
pass-back 开球
peewee 12、13岁的儿童组加拿大分组法
pen 受罚席
penalty bench attendant 记罚员