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Terms for subject Basketball (3304 entries)
illegal defense 防守违例
illegal dribble 运球违例
illegal guarding from the rear 背后违规防守
illegal guarding from the rear 从背后非法防守
illegal offence 进攻违例
illegal offense 进攻违例
illegal screening 违规掩护
illegal use of hands 违规用手
illegal use of hands 非法用手
in motion 移动中
in play 处于比赛状态
in play 在比赛中
in possession 控制球权
in the air 腾空
in the pinned position 背靠住
in-the-air pass 空中传球
inaccurate shooting 投篮不准
inbound 发界外球
inbounder 发界外球队员
inbounder 发界外球者