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Terms for subject Reproductive biology (19668 entries)
Forbes-Albright syndrome 闭经-溢乳综合征伴垂体瘤
forbidden clone 禁忌细胞系
forced delivery 暴力分娩
forced delivery 强制分娩
forceps delivery 产钳分娩
forceps extraction 产钳牵拉术
forcible nutrition 强制营养[法]
Fordyce's disease 福代斯病口腔粘膜内异位皮脂腺发育,腋窝、阴阜顶泌腺慢性发炎
fore-lying of umbilical cord 脐带脱垂
fore-lying of uterus 子宫脱垂
forward mobility protein 前运蛋白
fossa hypophysis 垂体窝
fourth stage 第四产程
frank prolapse 子宫全部脱垂
freak 畸形动物
freak 反常现象
free auxin 自由生长素
free boundary electrophoreses 自由电泳
free hormone 游离激素
free thyroid hormone hypothesis 游离甲状腺激素假说