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Terms for subject Sports (42544 entries)
flexibility exercise 柔韧性练习
Flexibility is very important in all activities involving quick changes in positions of the body 在身体需要快速变换姿势的一切活动中、 灵活性是非常重要的
flexibility of movement 动作柔韧性
flexible 有弹性的
flexible 易弯曲的
flexible 柔韧的
flexible cast 用绷带、橡皮膏包扎固定
flexible play 机动打法
flexible tactics 灵活的战术
flexion 弯曲
flexion 屈体
flexion of hip joint 屈髋
flexion of knee joint 屈膝
flexion of upper limb 上臂屈
flexion of vertebral column 脊柱弯曲
flexor 屈肌
flexor carpi ulnaris 尺侧腕屈肌
flexor digiti minimi 小指屈肌
flexor digiti minimi brevis 小指短屈肌