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Terms for subject International Monetary Fund (12416 entries)
contrived scarcity 人为的稀缺
control 管制
control for 剔除某一因素的影响
control variable 控制变量
controlled economy 指令经济
controlled economy 管制型经济
controlled price 管理价格
controlled price 指令性价格
controlled price 控制价格
controlling interest
Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women 消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约
conventional deficit 传统赤字
conventional market terms 市场条件
conventional market terms 商业条款
conventional market terms 硬条件
conventional market terms 常规市场条款
conventional terms 市场条件
conventional terms 商业条款
conventional terms 硬条件
conventional terms 常规市场条款