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Terms for subject Figure skating (1579 entries)
camel 燕式旋转
camel 驼转
camel -jump -change -camel 驼转跳接驼转
camel spin 燕式旋转
camel spin in tango position 探戈燕式转
camel spin in Tango position 探戈燕式转双人转
camel-change-camel 飞驼换接飞驼
camel-sit-camel 驼转接蹲转接驼转
cancel the high and low scores 去掉最高最低分
carriage 姿势
carriage 姿态
carried lift 支撑托举
carrying partner 男舞伴
cartwheel lift 侧翻举
cat leap 向前屈腿交换跳
cat leap 向前屈腿交换跳芭蕾动作
catch-waist camel spin 扶腰燕式转
catch-waist camel spin 扶腰燕式转双人转
central line 中场线
chain 链条型