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Terms for subject Finances (40174 entries)
year's basic exemption 年度基本减免额
Year-end adjustment 期末调整
year-end closing 年终结帐
year-end rally 年底反弹
year-end summarization 年终结账
year-end summit 年末峰会
year-on-year rate 同比变动率
year-round 一年到头
year-to-date 今年累计
year-to-date 年初至今
year-to-year comparison of financial statement 财务报告的逐年报吿
yearling 1年期债券
yearly budget 年度收入
yearly income 年度收益
yearly installments 按年摊付
yearly installments 按年分期付款
years of high growth and low inflation 高增长、低通胀的时代
yellow back 美国黄金债券
yellow knight 黄色骑士
yellow strip 黄色报价带