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Terms for subject Finances (40174 entries)
wage payroll 工资支付帐
wage subsidy or loan to enterprise 向企业提供工资补贴或贷款
wage-equivalent subsidy 工资性津贴
wage-price spiral 工资物价的螺旋上升
wage-price-money spiral 工资、物价、货币的螺旋上升
wage-price-tax spiral 工资、物价、税收的螺旋上升
wage-push theory of inflation 工资推动型通货膨胀理论
wageless recovery 工资无增长的复苏
wait for the account 候帐
waiting period 冷却期
waiver 豁免规定
waiver agreement 豁免协议
waiver of dividend 放弃股利
waiver of loan 免除还款
waiving interest 免付利息
walk a tightrope between bubbles and a hard landing 在泡沫和硬着陆之间走钢丝
walk-in client 自荐客户
walk-in client 街客
Wall Street Crash 华尔街大崩溃
Wall Street refiner 华尔街石油交易商