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Terms for subject Finances (40174 entries)
valuation allowances 备抵计价
valuation at cost 成本估价法
valuation at cost 按成本计价
valuation at cost or market 按成本或市价估价法
valuation at cost or market 按成本或市价估价
valuation at the lower of cost or market 按成本与市价孰低估价
valuation basis 评价基准
valuation change 计价变化
valuation clause 估价条款
valuation clause 估值条款
valuation date 估值日
valuation effect 估值效应
valuation for customs purpose 关税的估定
valuation for duty purpose 关税的估定
valuation function 估值职能
valuation method of depreciation 估价折旧法
valuation of asset 资产评估
valuation of fixed assets 固定资产的估值
valuation of fixed assets 固定资产评估
valuation of fund application 资金运用的评价