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Terms for subject Environment (7347 entries)
vegetation level (A subdivision of vegetation characteristic of a certain altitude above sea level at a given latitude) 植被水平
vegetation type (A community of plants or plant life that share distinguishable characteristics) 植被类型
vegetative dry matter
vehicle (Any conveyance in or by which people or objects are transported) 交通工具
vehicle exhaust gas (An aeriform fluid of fine particles suspended in air, produced and vented as a byproduct of the operation of wheeled machines or conveyances self-propelled by internal combustion engines) 汽车尾气
vehicle inspection (An official periodical examination of an automobile, truck, boat, airplane or other means of conveyance to determine compliance in design or operation with legal standards for safety or pollution emissions) 验车
vehicle manufacturing industry (A sector of the economy in which an aggregate of commercial enterprises is engaged in the manufacture and sale of equipment that conveys people, goods or materials by land, air or water) 汽车制造业
ventilation (The process of supplying or removing air, by natural or mechanical means, to or from any space; such air may or may not have been conditioned) 通风
verdict 判〔裁〕 决
Vermilion Association for the Protection of the Environment 弗米利恩环境保护协会
vermin (Small animals and insects that can be harmful and which are difficult to control when they appear in large numbers) 害虫
vertebrate (Any chordate animal of the subphylum Vertebrata, characterized by a bony or cartilaginous skeleton and a well-developed brain: the group contains fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals) 脊椎动物
veterinary medicine (The branch of medical practice which treats of the diseases and injuries of animals) 兽医医学
viaduct (A long high bridge, usually held up by many arches, which carries a railway or a road over a valley or other similar area at a lower level) 高架桥
vibration (A periodic motion of small amplitude and high frequency, characteristic of elastic bodies) 振动
video (A format or system used to record and transmit visual or audiovisual information by translating moving or still images into electrical signals) 视频
village (A group of houses and other buildings, such as a church, a school and some shops, which is smaller than a town, usually in the countryside) 乡村
vinasse (The residual liquid from the distillation of alcoholic liquors, specifically, that remaining from the fermentation and distillation of beet-sugar molasses, valuable as yielding potassium salts, ammonia, etc.) 酒精废液
virology (The study of submicroscopic organisms known as viruses) 病毒学
virus (Submicroscopic agents that infect plants, animals and bacteria, and are unable to reproduce outside the tissues of the host. A fully formed virus consists of nucleic acid (DNA or RNA) surrounded by a protein and lipid (fat) coat. The nucleic acid of the virus interferes with nucleic acid-synthesizing mechanism of the host cell, organizing it to produce more viral nucleic acid. Viruses cause many diseases (e.g., mosaic diseases of many cultivated plants, myxomatosis, foot and mouth disease, the common cold, influenza, measles, poliomyelitis). Many plant viruses are transmitted by insects, some by eelworms. Animal viruses are spread by contact, droplet infection or by insect vectors and some are spread by the exchange of body fluids) 病毒