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Terms for subject Nautical (16554 entries)
tactical diameter 回转圈直径
tactical diameter 战术直径
tactical diameter 战术旋回直径
tactical missile defense 战术导弹防御
tail shaft 尾轴螺旋桨轴
tail shaft passage 尾轴隧轴隧
tail shaft survey 尾轴检验
tail-stabilizer anchor 尾翼式锚
Tailswing 抓斗机尾部半径
taint of odor 串味
taint of odor risk 串味险
take an observation
take in flank 侧击
take off/landing mode 起飞/着陆状态
take the bottom
take the wind 占 M 的上风
take-home boiler 应急航行锅炉
take-home engine unit 应急航行机组
take-off and landing area 直升机降落和#离区
take-off mode for carrier-borne aircraft 航母舰#机起飞方式