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Terms for subject Cosmetics and cosmetology (461 entries)
Soak a cotton pad in lotion and wipe over the whole face and neck, pat until being absorbed, and then follow with milk or cream 用本品浸湿化妆棉,均匀涂抹在面部和颈部,轻拍直至吸收,再使用乳液或者面霜
soap-free 不含肥皂的
softsoap 液体香皂
solvent 有溶解力的
sophisticated 精致的
sour 变酸
sporty 运动型的
Sporty colognes are for the day while working, exotic, oriental and woody fragrances for the evenings 白天工作时用运动古龙水。晚上用具有异国情调的东方树木香型香水
Spray onto the pulse points 在脉搏点喷撒香水
sticky 黏性的
Strangely enough, this greasy, ill-smelling product is used in making fine perfumes 奇怪得很,这种黏稠且奇臭的油脂竟被用来制作优质香水
styling gel 发胶
suitable 适当的
sun exposure 太阳暴晒
sunblock 防晒霜
sunscreen 防晒霜
superior 优胜的
supple 柔韧性好的
synthetic 合成物
talcum powder 滑石粉,爽身粉,扑粉