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Terms for subject Waterskiing (186 entries)
slalom skiing 曲道滑水
slalom skiing 障碍滑水
slot in 进入浪头
soup 水墙
speed OK 安全信号
speed skiing 竞速滑水
spinner 旋转冲浪
stabilizing fin 尾鳍
step out 脱板
step over the tow line [rope] 跨绳
step over the tow rope 跨绳
step-over turn 跨绳转体
straight-ahead-of-wave ride 直线冲浪
straight-wave ride 直线冲浪
surf 冲浪
surf-off 冲浪决赛
surfboard 冲浪板
surfboarding 冲浪运动
surfmanship 冲浪技术
surfrider 冲浪运动员