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Terms for subject Weightlifting (1496 entries)
shoulder raise machine 抬肩练习器
shoulder rest position 颈后支撑姿势
shoulder rotation 回臂转肩
shoulder rotation 屈臂转肩
shoulder shrug 耸肩
shoulder spread 直臂头后拉力器练习
shoulder squat 胸前坐蹲
shoulder squat 前蹲
shoulder-loosening exercise 耸肩练习
shoulder-width grip 肩宽的握距
shouldering and uplifting with both arms 双手挺举
shrug shoulders 耸肩
side bender 体侧屈动作
side bender on buck 山羊侧起坐
side hyperextension 侧山羊挺身
side press 腰侧屈单臂推举
side raise 侧举壶铃
side raise 侧举
side referee 两侧裁判员
side stretch 体展