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Terms for subject Finances (40174 entries)
railway unused fixed assets 铁路未使用的固定资产
rainbow option 彩虹期权
raise a renminbi-denominated fund 募集以人民币计价的基金
raise bank reserve requirements 上调银行存款准备金率
raise demand 增加需求
raise employment levels 提高就业水平
raise fresh capital 筹募新资本金
raise funds 筹集资金
raise high-quality capital from markets 从市场筹集优质资本
raise import facilitation 提高进口便利化
raise income 开源
raise income 提高收入
raise interest rates 提高利率
raise lending rates 上调贷款利率
raise national saving levels 提高国民储蓄水平
raise new barriers to investment or to trade in goods and services 抬高投资或货物及服务贸易新壁垒
raise new capital 筹集新资本金
raise official interest rates 上调官方利率
raise output 增加产出
raise public spending 加大政府支出