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Terms for subject Environment (7347 entries)
radio programme (A performance or production transmitted in sound signals with electromagnetic waves) 广播节目
radioactive contamination (Contamination of a substance, living organism or site caused by radioactive material) 放射性污染
radioactive decontamination (The removal of radioactive contamination which is deposited on surfaces or may have spread throughout a work area. Personnel decontamination is also included. Decontamination methods follow two broad avenues of attack, mechanical and chemical) 放射性去污
radioactive dumping (Waste generated by the emission of particulate or electromagnetic radiation resulting from the decay of the nuclei of unstable elements) 放射性废弃物
radioactive emission (The release of radioactive substances into the environment deriving from nuclear installations and from mining, purification and enrichment operations of radioactive elements) 放射性发射
radioactive fallout (The material that descends to the earth or water well beyond the site of a surface or subsurface nuclear explosion) 放射性尘降物
radioactive health data 放射性安全保健数据
radioactive pollutant (A substance undergoing spontaneous decay or disintegration of atomic nuclei and giving off radiant energy in the form of particles or waves, often associated with an explosion of a nuclear weapon or an accidental release from a nuclear power plant, holding facility or transporting container) 放射性污染物
radioactive substance (Any substance that contains one or more radionuclides of which the activity or the concentration cannot be disregarded as far as radiation protection is concerned) 放射性物质
radioactive tracer (A radioactive isotope which, when injected into a biological or physical system, can be traced by radiation detection devices, permitting determination of the distribution or location of the substance to which it is attached) 放射性指示剂
radioactive tracer 同位素〔放射性〕示踪物
radioactive tracer 放射显迹物
radioactive tracer technique 放射性指示剂技术
radioactive waste (Any waste that emit radiation in excess of normal background level, including the toxic by-products of the nuclear energy industry) 放射性废料
radioactive waste management (The total supervision of the production, handling, processing, storage and transport of materials that contain radioactive nuclides and for which use, reuse or recovery are impractical) 放射性废料管理
radioactive-convective model 辐射一对流模式
radioactivity (The property possessed by some atomic nuclei of disintegrating spontaneously, with loss of energy through emission of a charged particle and/or gamma radiation) 放射性
radioelement (An element that is naturally radioactive) 放射性元素
radionuclide (A nuclide that exhibits radioactivity) 放射性核
radon (A radioactive gaseous element emitted naturally from rocks and minerals where radioactive elements are present. It is released in non-coal mines, e.g. tin, iron, fluorspar, uranium. Radon is an alpha particle emitter as are its decay products and has been indicted as a cause of excessive occurrence of lung cancer in uranium miners. Concern has been expressed at radon levels in some housing usually adjacent to granite rocks or old tin mining regions)