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Terms for subject Corporate governance (5552 entries)
questionable payments 问题款项
queue discipline 排趴规则
queueing problem 等候线问题
queues or waiting-line theory 排队或等待线理论
queuing problem 等待问题
queuing problem 排队问题
queuing theory 矩阵理论
queuing type problem simulation 等待线问题的模拟
quick action 快速行动
quick win 速蠃
quick win scenario 速蠃方案
quitas fiscal 离境前财务结算
quoted currency 报价通货
random outcomes 随机现象
range of applicability 可用性区域范围
range of profitability 有利性区域
rank-in-person approach 人员分类法
rate of delivery (projects) 执行速度
rate of delivery (projects) 完成速度
rate of inventory usage 库存耗用率