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Terms for subject United Nations (8487 entries)
palaeontological age correlation 古生物年代对比
palaeozoic terrigenous-carbonate deposits 古生代陆源碳化物沉积
PALIPEHUTU-FNL (Mugabarabona) 胡图人民解放党——民族解放力量穆加巴拉博纳
PALIPEHUTU-FNL Party for the Liberation of the Hutu People 解放胡图人民党
pallet loading system 托盘装载系统
palliative care at the end of life 姑息治疗
Pan American Charter on Health and Environment in Sustainable Human Development 泛美可持续人类发展方面健康与环境宪章
Pan European Biodiversity and Landscape Development Strategy 泛欧生物多样性和地貌景观开发战略
Pan-African Conference on Environment and Sustainable Development 泛非环境与可持续性发展会议
Pan-African Conference on Sustainable Integrated Coastal Management 泛非可持续综合沿海管理会议
Pan-American Conference on Health and the Environment in Sustainable Development 泛美可持续发展中的健康和环境会议
Pan-American Institute of Geography and History 泛美地理历史学会
Pan-European Biological and Landscape Diversity Strategy 泛欧生物与景观多样性战略
Pan-European Environment Action Programme for Central and Eastern Europe 关于中欧和东欧的泛欧环境行动纲领
pancake ice 饼状冰
pandemic preparedness plan 大流行病防范计划
Panel for Environmental Assessment 环境评估小组
Panel of Eminent Personalities 知名人士小组
Panel of Experts on Environmental Management for Vector Control 控制传病媒介环境管理专家小组
Panel of Experts on Integrated Pest Control 虫害综合防治专家组