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Terms for subject Nautical (16554 entries)
packing washer 填密垫圈
packing with casing 外壳填料
packing with flange of piping and valve for steam line, exhaust line and drain line 蒸汽管路、排气管路和泄水管路的管子和阀门的法兰填料
packing with low pressure hydraulic piping flange 低压液压管子法兰填料
packing with piping flange 管子法兰填料
pad 衬垫垫板,座板
pad eye 眼板导向滑车
pad hook 带钩板
padding method 隔绝法
paging acoustic filter 百叶式消音器
pain threshold sound pressure 痛阈声压
paint raft 工作筏
paint stabilizers 漆稳定剂
paint, lubricating oil 涂料、润滑油
painter 系艇索
painting dressing 涂装
painting dressing specifications 涂装说明书
paints (temperature insulation intention, i. e. paints for M. E. casing) 油漆有隔热要求部位,如主机外壳
paints 油漆
paired comparison 成对比较方法