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Terms for subject Environment (7347 entries)
parliamentary report (A written account describing in detail observations or the results of an inquiry into an event or situation and presented to an official, deliberative body with legislative powers) 议会报告
partially halogenated chlorofluorohydrocarbon (Hydrocarbons whose hydrogen atoms have been partially substituted with chlorine and fluorine. They are used in refrigeration, air conditioning, packaging, insulation, or as solvents and aerosol propellants. Because they are not destroyed in the lower atmosphere they drift into the upper atmosphere where their chlorine components destroy ozone) 部分卤代
partially sensitive species 部分敏感种指对冷冻反应
participation (The act of sharing or taking part in a civic, community or public action) 参与
particle (1. Any very small part of matter, such as a molecule, atom, or electron. 2. Any relatively small subdivision of matter, ranging in diameter from a few angstroms to a few millimeters) 微粒子
particle material properties tester 微粒物质特性试验器
particle separator (A device for segregation of solid particles by size range, as a screening) 分离器
particular stressor 特定胁迫因子
particulate matter 物质粒子如尘埃
passenger transport (The conveyance of people over land, water or through air by automobile, bus, train, airplane or some other means of travel) 客运
paste-like waste (Waste deriving from various activities having a pasty consistency) 浆状废物
pasture (Land covered with grass or herbage and grazed by or suitable for grazing by livestock) 牧场
patent (A grant of right to exclude others from making, using or selling one's invention and includes right to license others to make, use or sell it) 专利
path (A route or track between one place to another) 小路
pathogen (Any disease-producing agent or microorganism) 病菌
pathogenic organism (Agents producing or capable of producing disease) 致病生物
pathologic effect 病理效应
pathology (The branch of medicine concerned with the causes, origin, and nature of disease, including the changes occurring as a result of disease) 病理
patrimonial management (A type of leadership and management style attempting to gain the loyalty and support of subordinates by excessively providing for their needs and interests) 世袭管理
pattern of urban growth (The combination of acts, tendencies and other observable characteristics that demonstrates a municipal area's progress or state of development, including its population trends) 城市增长模式