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Terms for subject Ceramics (152 entries)
rust stain 锈斑
sieve 过筛
slip dewatering 泥浆脱水
slipware 施釉陶器
soft porcelain 软瓷
soft-bodied 软体的
solemn 仪〔正〕 式的
sponge 用海绵擦
sponge mop 海绵拖把
squeeze 挤压
stamp 印花
stoneware 炻器
sun exposure 日光曝晒
sweaty 出汗的
The depiction of a Chinese landscape is very common in ceramics in China, and it is really associated with a Taoist concept of life in an idyllic environment 中国制陶业对山水画的应用非常广泛,而这种风格与道家清静无为的人生理想有着千丝万缕的联系
The firing temperature of multicolored ceramics is as high as 1,300°C 五彩陶瓷的烧制温度高达1 300摄氏度
The high frequency vibrating screen for sieving ceramics is suitable for food, pharmacy, chemical, ceramic, metallurgy, rubber, and other industries. It applies to any powder and granule 这款高频筛分陶瓷的振动筛适用于食品业、药品业、化学制品业、制陶业、冶金业、橡胶业及其他行业。粉末、颗粒均可使用
The lush forest and fine quality porcelain clay make Dehua porcelain very famous 茂密的森林和优质瓷土让德化陶瓷闻名于世
The majority of Jomon pottery has rounded bottoms and the vessels are typically small 大多数绳纹陶器底面呈圆形,体积也非常小