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Terms for subject Commerce (26164 entries)
objective price 目标价格
objective principle 客观的原则
objective program 结果程序
objective statement 按用途分项的费用报表
objective structure in enterprise's operation 企业经营的目标结构
objective tax 专项税
objective test 客观测试
objectivity 客观态度
objectivity principle
obligate 使…负责任
obligation bond 契约债券
obligation du Trésor 公债
obligation du Trésor 国债
obligation in general average 共同海损责任
obligation in general average 共同海损债务
obligation incurred 承担的债务
obligation incurred 已发生的债务
obligation of appropriation 拨款的指定用途
obligation of contract 履行契约义务
obligation solidaire 连带债务