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Terms for subject China (22547 entries)
objective of the enabling decision 授权目的
objective of training 培养目标
objectively and impartially 客观公正
objector 异议人
objects prohibited from entering the country 禁止进境物
obligated to deliver 有交付义务
obligated to provide legal aid 承担法律援助义务
obligation of a guarantor 担保义务
obligation of capital contribution 出资义务
obligation of diagnosis and treatment 诊疗义务
obligation of distinguishing the client's identity 客户身份识别义务
obligation of good faith 诚信义务
obligation of offering assistance 救助义务
obligation of paying an insurance premium 支付保险费义务
obligation of protection 保护责任
obligation of taking care of 保管义务
obligation of telling the truth 如实告知义务
obligation to abide by the law 遵守法律的义务
obligation to assist in investigation 有义务协助调查
obligation to check 检查义务