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Terms for subject British (usage, not spelling) (268 entries)
personal allowance 个人津贴
pitch 陈列商品
planning permission 计划核准
president of the board of trade 商务大臣
price commission 价格管理委员会
proposed dividend 准备分派的股利
provident society 勤俭互助社
public sector
Rachmanism 拉克曼式剥削指伦敦房产投机商剥削房客
redundancy of the payment 裁减职工补助金
register of directors 公司董事及经理登记簿
registrar in bankruptcy 破产审定员
registrar of companies 公司注册员
registrar-general of shipping 船舶登记员
registry office 注册登记
rent service 劳役地租
reproductive debts 为发展工业而发行的公债
reserve account 准备账户科目
Restrictive Trade Practices Act 限制性贸易惯例法