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Terms for subject Insurance (123 entries)
out board 外侧
out-turn insurance 卸货量保险
overland transportation cargo insurance 陆路货运保险
paid-up policy 已缴纳保费
particular average 特别海损
pilferage 被窃
protection and indemnity clause 保护与赔偿条款
protection and indemnity clause 保赔条款
rate up 提高保险
rate up 作高一级保险
rules of liability 责任法则
salvage corps 救火〔消防〕队
salvage fee 打捞费
salving vessel 施救船舶
secured interest 担保权益
secured time loan 定期担保放款
single channel market crop 单一销售渠道的商业作物
sonic bang 声速冲响
sonic bang 波前冲击
special marine policy 特别水险保单