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Terms for subject Finances (40174 entries)
machine work report 机器工作报告
machinery account 机器计算
machinery and equipment 机器及设备
machinery and tools 机器及工具
machinery insurance 机械保险
machinery ledger 机器总帐或登记簿
Macmillan gap 麦克米伦差额
Macmillan gap 资金调度差额
macro -prudential supervision 宏观审慎监管
macro and strategic perspective 宏观和战略高度
macro economy 宏观经济
macro funds 宏观基金
macro tool 宏观工具
macro-control 宏观调控
macro-control of the economy 经济的宏观控制
macro-level 宏观层面
macro-regulation 宏观调控
macroaccounting 宏观会计
macroeconomic adjustment 宏观调控
macroeconomic benefit 宏观经济效益